For centuries gardens put food on our tables, were places to play, somewhere to dry the washing and provided us with remedies to treat may household ailments. Think about it... We grew Lavender for cuts and burns, Rosemary to soothe the muscles and mint for upset tummies, but what about the benefits that actually gardening can bring?

A couple of years ago I broke my foot resulting in four months off work. Ordinarily this would sound like bliss but not being able to walk, drive and do very little exercise soon took its toll, more mentally than physically if I'm honest, so hubby built me a garden. I wasn't even keen on gardening, and what few houseplants I had were hanging on for dear life. So I started watching Gardeners World and collecting a few interesting plants and herbs and my passion literally grew from there. When I discovered the number of calories (even just a good bit of weeding) was comparable to playing badminton or practising yoga, I was out there all the time!
"Just 30 minutes of moderate-level physical activity most days of the week can prevent and control high blood pressure. In fact, The National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute recommends gardening or raking leaves for 30-45 minutes as examples of how to hit that recommended amount"

However, the benefits of being in the garden run much deeper than just exercise. In 2009, a team of Dutch researchers found a lower incidence of 15 illnesses including - depression, anxiety, heart disease, diabetes, asthma, and migraines (to name a few) in people who lived within half a mile of green space.
Whether you have a few cherished houseplants or acres of lush garden, there has never been a better time to get your hands dirty and get digging, maybe even try growing some of your own veggies (that's this year's plan), your body and mind will thank you.